Crew Management

Contact Us

Maroos Building, No.59, Sattari Blvd.,
Nelson Mandela Exp. Way,
Tehran 19688, Iran

Tel: + 98 (0) 21 88798800 (10 lines)
Fax: + 98 (0) 21 88798483

Maroos crewing department ensures that all under contract vessels are completely staffed with qualified, medically fit and experienced seafarers. The team also looks after all the personnel need to ensure their full commitment whilst on board.

For each step of the way experienced managers will be assigned to organize the fleet personnel function; crewing of company vessels, maintaining personnel documentation records, and planning, implementing fleet compensation strategies and scheduling the personnel travel arrangement.

Maroos strives to reflect its values and vision throughout the organization in order to provide the best possible service for our clients. We have also created web application based administration system that gives real-time access to all personnel data as well as digital copies of all relevant documents.

Contact Us

Maroos Building, No.59, Sattari Blvd.,
Africa Exp. Way, Tehran 19688, Iran

Tel: + 98 (0) 21 88798800 (10 lines)
Fax: + 98 (0) 21 88798483

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