Island is located some 18 km south of Bandar Mogham in Persian Gulf (Lat 26 47’ N-Long 53 20’ E)
Lavan is the operating base for three offshore fields, namely, Salman, Resalat and Reshadat and has infrastructure facilities including process plants , storage and export system, utility and maintenance facilities, storehouse and loading jetty for support of offshore fields as well as the residential and social areas. Local airport handles personnel movements.
Produced oil from offshore fields is transferred to Lavan for final processing. Salman field 144 km south of Lavan Island , has one of the largest offshore complexes in the Persian Gulf.
Other facilities at Lavan Island include Lavan Distillation Company (LCD) where , under the Refinery and Distribution group of NIOC, crude oil is processed for by-products such as naphtha, gasoline, kerosene , gas oil and fuel oil . Crude oil is provided from NIOC – Offshore storage. Export jetty at Lavan is also handling product carriers beside the ocean going tankers.
Salman onshore and offshore facilities which were damaged, were all renovated and put on stream during the first 5 – year plan, “Renovation programs for Resalat and Reshadat is underway.
Vessels should approach from the south, which is open and free of dangers. The approved anchorage area is to the east of the oil loading dock at 53 22’ E. Pilot age is compulsory and harbor pilot should be contacted on VHF channel 16 about six hours before arrival at Lavan Island.
Operating Company: National Iranian Oil Company – Offshore Division
There is a two berth double jetty available with an overall length of 378 m.
The Outer Berth No. 1 with depth alongside 19-20 m, is designed to handle Million Barrel/Aframax tankers with arrival displacement not exceeding 120000 tons.
The inner Berth No. 2 has the same overall length with a maximum sailing drat of 11 m, for handling of product tankers. Each berth is provided with a Chiksan Loading Unit, fitted with hydraulically operated loading arms.
Loading rates of max . 50000 bbls/hr for crude oil and 600 tph for products such as fuel oil can be achieved under favourable conditions.