Ship Supply Services

Contact Us

Maroos Building, No.59, Sattari Blvd.,
Nelson Mandela Exp. Way,
Tehran 19688, Iran

Tel: + 98 (0) 21 88798800 (10 lines)
Fax: + 98 (0) 21 88798483

Time and money are key considerations for masters, owners and operators. That’s why Maroos provides a Ship Supply Service, for presenting the most effective way to exchange officers and crew as well as deliver spares and provisions to vessels, without the need for them to deviate from their course or stop. Our SSS team also provides emergency response and incident management support.

Using high-speed, air-conditioned supply and crew launches, Maroos operates round-the-clock from SSS bases in Bandar Abbas, Qeshm, and Bushehr Port. Our operations are ISM and ISPS compliant, and supported by ship supply staff and crew who are all STCW95-licensed. They perform frequent drills and rigorous training on incident handling including spills, collisions, medevacs, grounding and fire.

Contact Us

Maroos Building, No.59, Sattari Blvd.,
Africa Exp. Way, Tehran 19688, Iran

Tel: + 98 (0) 21 88798800 (10 lines)
Fax: + 98 (0) 21 88798483

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