Supply Chain Management

Contact Us

Maroos Building, No.59, Sattari Blvd.,
Nelson Mandela Exp. Way,
Tehran 19688, Iran

Tel: + 98 (0) 21 88798800 (10 lines)
Fax: + 98 (0) 21 88798483

Global supply chain management is an acute success factor for manufacturers and retailers in many industries. From raw materials to retail distribution, our analysts and operations personnel work closely with customers to manage the entire supply chain, providing tailored services and meeting agreed performance benchmarks.

Contact Us

Maroos Building, No.59, Sattari Blvd.,
Africa Exp. Way, Tehran 19688, Iran

Tel: + 98 (0) 21 88798800 (10 lines)
Fax: + 98 (0) 21 88798483

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