Transfer Services

Contact Us

Maroos Building, No.59, Sattari Blvd.,
Nelson Mandela Exp. Way,
Tehran 19688, Iran

Tel: + 98 (0) 21 88798800 (10 lines)
Fax: + 98 (0) 21 88798483

Transfer Services

Transferring dry or liquid bulk from ship to ship is a highly technical and challenging operation that requires not only specialized skills and equipment, but also rapid mobilization capability and in-depth experience in dealing with contingency situations. Maroos Transfer Services has the skills, equipment and network to handle any STS operations safely and seamlessly.

Every liquid bulk and gas transfer operation that is carried out by Maroos in accordance with the guidelines set out by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) latest edition and International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Guidelines, with strict adherence to safety regulations.

We have been carrying STS operations at PG by our trained and experienced personnel for the past decade. Maroos also provides all necessary equipment such as hoses, fenders and support craft, as well as full back-up services including standby boats, equipment transportation and 24-hour communication.

Contact Us

Maroos Building, No.59, Sattari Blvd.,
Africa Exp. Way, Tehran 19688, Iran

Tel: + 98 (0) 21 88798800 (10 lines)
Fax: + 98 (0) 21 88798483

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